Friday, 14 December 2012

Mind Map!

A man from the video I just uploaded is Tony Buzan. He is the one who is a proponent of the techniques of Mind Mapping. 

"His world famous Mind Maps technique is in fact flawed as he focuses almost exclusively on the popular assumption that both sides of the brain have separate functions when they in fact work together."

Mind map is graphically way to represent ideas and concepts. It is like a visual thinking too that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, recall, generate new ideas or summarise words. In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking or a linear text, information is structured in a way that resembles much more closely how your brain actually works. Futhermore, it is really fun! Because it works together with analytical and artistic.

But what can we use mind maps for?

  • Note taking 
Whenever information is being taken in, mind maps help organize it into a form that is easily assimilated by the brain and easily remembered. And it looks so much easier than just ordinary notes like this -->
  • Recall
Whenever information is being retrieved from memory, mind maps allow ideas to be quickly noted as they occur, in an organized manner. There's no need to form sentences and write them out in full.

  • Creativity

Whenever you want to encourage creativity, mind maps liberate the mind from linear thinking, allowing new ideas to flow more rapidly.

  • Problem Solving
Whenever you are confronted by a problem either professional or personal, mind maps help you see all the issues and how they relate to each other. It helps you to quickly get an overview of how you see different aspects of situations and its' importance.

  • Planning
Whenever you are planning something, mind maps help you get all the relevant information down in one place and organize it easily. They can be used for planning any piece of writing from a letter to a screenplay to a book or for planning a meeting, a day or a vacation.

  • Presentations
Whenever I speak I prepare a mind map for myself of the topic and its flow. This not only helps me organize the ideas coherently. The visual nature of the map means that I can read the whole thing in my head as I talk, without ever having to look at a sheet of paper.

*A video of how to create a Mind Map :)

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